One of our most commonly asked questions is “do you make a swaddle for adults?”
Unfortunately, the answer is no. But just imagine being wrapped up all snug and cozy for a peaceful, uninterrupted night’s sleep….or better yet, a nap. Sounds pretty blissful. But as we all know too well, it’s hard enough for mom to find 5 minutes to herself, let alone take a nap. Raising a child is exhausting. So although it may feel impossible at times, it’s important to make yourself a priority.
That’s why the Zen Swaddle was created: as a way to provide support to parents who are working ‘round the clock to make sure their baby is happy and healthy. The Zen Swaddle’s ability to mimic your touch gives your infant the comfort and security of your embrace, even when you can’t be near.
Step one to craving out a little more “you” time is to pick up a Zen Swaddle or Zen Sack. But here’s 5 other ways you can “Find Your Zen:”
Find Your Person
This doesn’t necessarily have to be a “Meredith and Cristina” from Grey’s Anatomy type of relationship, but finding someone you can rely on and trust with your baby and/or children is a must. Finding a couple of those people, even better. This could be an in-law, your mom, your best friend, another parent from your kid’s school, a relative – someone you can call when you’re really needing a few hours to yourself. If it’s another parent, schedule a weekly play-date and switch off every week so the both of you get some time for yourselves. It will be great for you, and great for your baby too! Getting them to socialize with other children their age is always a good thing!
Make it Kid-Friendly
If you’re not quite ready to hand off your baby to someone else, relaxation doesn’t have to be sans-kids. Pick a morning and ignore your to-do list for a few hours. Get your older kids to school if you have to, but then put your PJ’s back on and have a movie morning. You’d be surprised how much your baby and children enjoy some peaceful snuggle time with mom. Make this a weekly occurrence. The to-do list can wait until your movie is over. If you really can’t bear to watch another animated kids movie, then pop your headphones in and listen to your favorite audio book while the kids are watching the movie. You still get all the snuggles, and your babies still get time with their favorite person.
Create a Sanctuary
Find a place either in or close to your home that makes you feel good. It could be your bedroom, a spare room, your office, a spot in the back yard, or even your car. Keep it stocked with the essentials – your favorite book, a couple snacks, a pillow or blanket, your favorite scented candle – whatever makes you feel at peace. That way, when you do manage to get a few minutes to yourself, your happy place is just waiting for you to enter.
Treat Yo’ Self
Yeah, you’ve got about 126 things left on that to-do list that you wanted to get done before the end of the day. But since it’s not likely to happen anyway, blow it off and do something you actually enjoy instead. If exercise is your thing, go to the gym or take a yoga class. If you’ve been dreaming about that shirt you saw in your favorite store months ago, go buy it. If your back feels like one giant knot, get a massage. Most importantly, DON’T feel guilty about it! Everyone needs a break, and you deserve one, goshdarnit! So take it and embrace it. There will ALWAYS be things on the to-do list, but if you let it control you, you’ll be miserable. Chances are, if you’re feeling more relaxed and in a better mood you’ll get more done anyway.
Pencil it In
You’re busy. Always. So if you don’t make an effort to find the time to relax, you won’t. Take an hour (or more!) for yourself every few days and let everyone know ahead of time you won’t be around. Tell your husband or partner, “hey, on Thursday I’m going to get a pedicure” or “on Tuesday I’m seeing a movie.” Arrange for your baby to be with your significant other or with your “person” for that time. If you plan ahead, you’re more likely to follow through with the plan.
Photos Courtesy of Amber Massey - Instagram: @masseya