Once upon a time
There was a baby who wouldn't sleep and a mom who needed some rest.
One night...

This sleep deprived mom (Manasi) replaced her hand on her son's chest with a little stuffed toy...
And he stayed sleeping under its gentle pressure.
It got her thinking...

Could this be the answer to her (and other parents’) sleepless nights?
And so it began!

After tons of research and consulting with doctors and pediatric pulmonologists...

A thumbs up from safety labs and parent testers...

The world's first gently weighted Swaddle and Nested Bean were born!
And then our reach grew...

We introduced the Zen Sack, so the sweet dreams could continue after swaddling.

Later we added added lightly weighted Footies and Onesies for naps on the go.
Sleep got sweeter and everyone slept happily ever after!

Over 950,000 families (and counting!) are getting a better night's sleep thanks to Zen Sleepwear.
But our story doesn't end there..We continue to innovate safe, intuitive products to help babies sleep and families thrive!