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Zen Blog

You’d probably never heard of a sleep regression before having a baby – and even then, you may not have come across the term until your baby suddenly stopped sleeping well and you found yourself sleep-deprived and desperately searching google...

Sometimes it’s hard to know when the ideal bedtime should be for your child. As a newborn, a set bedtime is virtually pointless, since your baby will be sleeping 75% of the time anyway. However, as your baby grows, you’ll...

Baby Sleep 0-6 Weeks With a baby on the way, or perhaps just arrived, you should be expecting some sleepless nights in your near future. Every parent knows that sleep-deprivation is just part of the package – but don’t worry,...

3 Month Old Sleep Your baby is emerging from the newborn stage at 3 months old, which means you’ll start to see more distinct sleeping patterns emerge. You’re not quite to the point where you’ll be getting a full night’s...

How Long Should Your Baby Sleep?

Manasi Gangan

 How long should babies sleep? The answer to that question varies based on your baby’s age. As a newborn, babies should sleep up to 18 hours in a 24 hour period. That means their spending 75% of the time asleep!...

At 2 months old, your baby is still a newborn, so they’ll still be sleeping the majority of the time. However, towards the end of month 2, you might start to see more distinct sleep patterns taking form, which could...

5 Common Babywise Pitfalls

Manasi Gangan

Babywise has been considered a controversial book for babies, but there are ways you can implement some of the advice in a safe and practical way.  We've written about Babywise before, and about the cry-it-out method in general. And we...

 One of our most commonly asked questions is “do you make a swaddle for adults?” Unfortunately, the answer is no. But just imagine being wrapped up all snug and cozy for a peaceful, uninterrupted night’s sleep….or better yet, a...

Swaddling Causes SIDS As Protein Causes Weight Gain   We know how much the media loves controversy, so it played right into the hands of media when an AAP meta-analysis study was published drawing relations between swaddling and SIDS. You...